01.Who we help

Australia is a world leader in rooftop solar with more than a quarter of households adopting it. However, less than 1% of Australia’s rooftop solar is for apartments. The complexities and costs have been too difficult. With the help of our partners, we have a solution to make solar power accessible to people who live in apartments.
Whether you’re a tenant, an owner occupier, an investor or a strata management company, we can help you get the process started for your building. All it takes is one person to put the idea out there. There are benefits for everyone.

  • Going solar is a commitment to sustainability that is highly valued in Australia, but hasn’t always been easy for strata managers to propose to their clients. SunStrata presents a better way. It is simple, cost-effective and professional. Thanks to the guarantees contained in the PPA, you can confidently refer the service to your clients with the assurance that solar-sharing can be achieved with no hassle and little cost. You can also promise increased property value – a proven result of adding solar efficiency.
    It’s the answer you’ve been seeking to bring solar power to your multi-tenanted buildings, not only for its environmental benefit, but for its potential to help you retain and attract clients who value your commitment to reducing a rapidly growing cost of living.
    Sunstrata Agent Program

  • Lower your electricity costs and keep it low for the entire term of the PPA without having to spend anything upfront. Get live monitoring of your power consumption to empower better choices. Improve the value of your home with a higher NABERS rating.

  • Enhance your investment without capital expenditure. A solar installation will improve your property’s value, and you can claim the PPA cost as a tax-deductible expense.

  • Get more control over your carbon footprint. Advocate for solar power in your building to save money and save the environment.

Every apartments can now access low cost, low emissions electricity.

02.Our partners

Our Sunstrata solution is a result of our partnerships with Allume Energy and Energy Terrain. SolShare, created by Allume, has allowed millions of apartment residents to finally have access to clean solar energy. Energy Terrain’s expertise in Power Purchasing Agreements has enabled us to overcome the cost and ownership barriers unique to multi-tenanted apartment blocks. Combined they make an exciting win -win -win scenario for everyone involved.
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